Poh Nean Tai

Poh Nean Tai

CTO/Product Designer/Full-stack engineer
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Poh Nean Tai
Tired of spending hours manually testing your website? It's never been easier to automate testing with UIlicious TAMI. TAMI is an AI assistant that helps you write automated scripts for testing your web application! Try TAMI for free at https://snippet.uilicious.com!
UIlicious TAMI 1.0
UIlicious TAMI 1.0
Generate automated tests for your website with AI
Poh Nean Tai
UIlicious is a low-code tool for automating tests for your e-commerce websites and SaaS web applications with UI-licious. In this newest update, annotate test reports to highlight issues and discuss what's wrong. No more pointing and gesturing at screens!
UI-licious for Teams
UI-licious for Teams
Test user journeys, not HTML, catch bugs before users do