Prateek Jain

Prateek Jain

Android and Windows App Developers!
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Prateek Jain

Mobile phone optimised Wordpress theme for App developers to get app downloads.

Easily add screenshots and get write text about app, company and your team!

// Currently at 66% discount (Only at $5)

Wordpress Theme for App Developer
Wordpress Theme for App Developer
Mobile optimised Wordpress theme for app developers 66% OFF
Prateek Jain

For a great Android Market listing, you can download this Illustrator file and place your app screenshot in [Paste ScreenShot] Layer.

The file also contains 8 new color pallets so you can easily customize the mock up background!

Android App Mockup
Android App Mockup
Mock up for Android App with 8 different color pallets
Prateek Jain
Aaveti Comics
Aaveti Comics
Learn a New Language by Reading Comics
Prateek Jain

SEO Tools by ANO is a SEO Tool used by Search Console users to get their website ranked on popular Search Engines and to monitor their website daily performance.

SEO Tools by ANO
SEO Tools by ANO
Rank your Website and App on Google Search