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  • Radek Zaleski

    Radek Zaleski

    Head of Growth, Netguru
    322 points
    All activity
    Radek Zaleski
    Radek Zaleski
    left a comment
    looks neat!
    AI copilot for marketing data
    Radek Zaleski
    What is better than a plain old API? An interactive, visual one, that you can work on easily from your browser. With the new GraphQL Editor, this is now possible for every developer!
    GraphQL Editor 5.0
    GraphQL Editor 5.0
    Building a GraphQL API just got a lot easier
    Radek Zaleski
    ⚡ GraphQL Centaur CLI provides seamless experience creating GraphQL as a service.
    ⚡ GraphQL Centaur generates Mongo/Stucco-js database resolvers in TypeScript from any give GraphQL Schema.
    ⚡Generate fully-functional basic resolvers with Centaur CLI!
    GraphQL Centaur
    GraphQL Centaur
    Generate GraphQL resolvers easily with GraphQL Centaur CLI
    Radek Zaleski
    Have you ever wondered how the world would be in the eyes of the greatest painters? Picasso, Van Gogh, Munch, Witkacy… Kunster app by Netguru will make it possible.
    Record unique videos and share them with your friends or publish them on social media.
    Just point your camera and create your own masterpieces
    Radek Zaleski
    An electronic nanny with a camera and automatic detection of crying that helps parents to monitor their baby. Uses advanced machine learning solutions to pick a baby’s cry up from other noises, so it only notifies parents when their baby is actually crying.
    BabyGuard by Netguru
    Keep an eye on your baby. Anywhere. Anytime.
    Radek Zaleski
    The GraphQL Editor is an environment for GraphQL development that facilitates the process of learning, development, managing GraphQL based projects & improves communication with your clients.
    Try it out for free - https://app.graphqleditor.com/
    GraphQL Editor
    GraphQL Editor
    Online GraphQL IDE, visualize your GraphQL Schema
    Radek Zaleski
    Lunching is a simple and clear MVP of a food delivery app made with Flutter. We created an app for iOS and Android for research purposes - to check Flutter’s possibilities and limitations. Now we are sharing the results.
    Lunching app by Netguru
    A simple MVP brought to life with Flutter in our R&D dept.
    Radek Zaleski
    Google Drive’s web app redesign.
    We decided to discover the potential for UX improvements in the Google Drive app. Small tweaks that make a big difference, boost productivity, and empower effective collaboration.
    Google Drive’s app redesign by Netguru
    Small tweaks to productivity and empower collaboration.
    Radek Zaleski
    Radek Zaleski
    left a comment
    I love this tool!
    Zenkit 3.0
    Flexible project management you can share with the world
    Radek Zaleski
    Radek Zaleski
    left a comment
    We like to build new products so we build Pockee. Enjoy!
    Pockee by Netguru
    Pockee by Netguru
    Family-friendly payments app concept
    Radek Zaleski
    A family-friendly payment app that’s safe for children to use. Pockee aims at making learning personal finance smooth and fun for children, while empowering parents to monitor their experience.
    Pockee by Netguru
    Pockee by Netguru
    Family-friendly payments app concept
    Radek Zaleski
    Radek Zaleski
    left a comment
    This is yet another RnD product from Netguru. Some fun around AR and ML algos.
    ML and AR app that lets you recognize cars on the streets
    Radek Zaleski
    Machine Learning and Augmented Reality combined in one sleek mobile app that lets you recognize cars in the streets.
    Made for kicks and fun, research and development projects.
    ML and AR app that lets you recognize cars on the streets
    Radek Zaleski

    Wordguru is a simple verbal game where you split into teams and try to guess as many keywords as you can.

    Thanks to PWA and Vue.js technologies that support the app, it provides a great, native experience to the user and works on both mobile and desktop devices.

    So there, enjoy!

    Wordguru by Netguru
    Simple verbal game powered by Vue.js
    Radek Zaleski

    Overlog (by Netguru) is a convenient tool for iOS app testing and debugging. You can easily attach Overlog to iPhone and iPad apps. In just a few lines of code and a few of minutes, the debugging tool will be installed and ready to use. Try Overlog yourself and see how it will fit in with your project.

    We built it because we needed it.

    Overlog (by Netguru)
    iOS app testing made the right way
    Radek Zaleski

    Design Process for Pros
    Design Process for Pros
    Best design practices in one place