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Raymond Berger
Raymond Berger
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Are you using open library for your book data? If not, why not?
The simplest personal library for readers
Raymond Berger
Make your search for Hawaiian documentaries 90% easier. Find all the movies in one convenient site while reminiscing on the 90s.
Click the sun and teleport to a world of cookie cutter websites sure to fill your soul with commercial internet vibes.
Awesome Hawaii Documentaries
Awesome Hawaii Documentaries
The best documentaries of Hawaii with the style of the 90s
Raymond Berger
Raymond Berger
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Is there a demo or some example communities you recommend checking out?
The modern community platform for creators
Raymond Berger
Raymond Berger
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Any chance you could add an easy to to do advanced searches like filter by auth type?
Public APIs
Public APIs
Find public APIs and start building projects and share them.
Raymond Berger
Raymond Berger
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This is great! Any plans for something similar on Android?
TickTick for iOS
TickTick for iOS
Powerful todo app, updated with URL scheme support for iOS