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Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
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Laravel Twitch Overlay package

In the last couple of days/weeks, I develop an open-source solution for hosting your service for your twitch overlays. I'm a fan of stream elements but their editor for custom widgets is not this nice. The website, editor, and Overlay take way too many performances. Also, I was looking for a solution with "developer-first" in mind. So I hope there some developers here, that also streaming on...
Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
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I already use PEST for my latest project !centralboard - thanks for this modern way to write tests.
An elegant PHP testing framework with a focus on simplicity
Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
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i really like "Drupal 8+" because of the Symfony base for developers.
Ryan Wilson
How do you use a CMS for your site?
Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
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Do you dev on your iPad?

Are you using your iPad to develop your products? I would love to Programm on the iPad but at the moment I think VSCode is the only IDE editor that can run „on“ (in safari) the iPad If you use your iPad for development which app do you use?
Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
started a discussion

Public organised "How to's"/"FAQ's"

As the most services CentralBoard also needs "How to's" and a simple FAQ. I am an independent developer and I want to easy for me to publish new Texts for CentralBoard. My solution is to use a public GitHub repository as my issue und document/text library. With this solution, everyone can help me to write texts for CentralBoard. the pro is that (maybe) in the future some people just add the...
Chris Woelk
A service for custom dashboards. Fill your dashboard with widgets. We are releasing new widgets every couple of days.
Currently, we already developed some widgets for iCloud Photos, Google Photos, Weather, iCal and JSON with a simple template engine and more.
Your service for custom dashboards.
Chris Woelk
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Chris Woelk
Chris Woelk
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One of the simplest color schema generator that i ever used - good job.
Parametric Color Mixer
Parametric Color Mixer
Create beautiful color palettes in a scientific way.
Chris Woelk

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