Richard Hua

Richard Hua

Software Engineer @ Highlight
All activity
Richard Hua
Highlight makes it easy to understand and debug customer issues. With session replay, error stack tracing, and user console visibility, Highlight removes the mystery of debugging.
Understand and debug customer issues with confidence
Richard Hua
Highlight keeps your web app stable and your customers happy by pairing session replay and error monitoring! Today we’re excited to launch our comment/conversations feature, enabling teams to collaborate and escalate issues faster than ever!
Comments by Highlight
Comments by Highlight
Collaboration on Highlight makes debugging faster than ever
Richard Hua
Highlight keeps your web app stable and your customers happy! With pixel-perfect session replay, you'll get full visibility into the issues and interactions that are slowing down your users. For Product Hunt users, we're gifting 4 months of Highlight for free!
See and act on your webapp's issues and interactions