Rishabh Anand

Rishabh Anand

ML Research Student • Meme Conjurer
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Rishabh Anand
Rishabh Anand
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Saw your Tweet on Suhail's post about this! Congrats on the launch!
Hop in and out of calls, directly from your menu bar
Rishabh Anand
Rishabh Anand
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Reminds me of the Silicon Valley opening track hehe
Stay At Home Valley
Stay At Home Valley
Interactive map of Silicon Valley & your favorite startups.
Rishabh Anand
Rishabh Anand
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congrats on the launch!
Figure out meeting times across timezones without the hassle
Rishabh Anand
`gpt2-client` is an open-source Python3 wrapper for OpenAI's GPT-2 117M and 345M models 🤖. It's blazing fast ⚡️and easy to use 🐣. With this, anyone can play around with text generation models without the fuss and messy code 🤘🏻!
Easy-to-use Wrapper for GPT-2 117M & 345M Transformer Models
Rishabh Anand

The startup world is complicated. With hundreds of terms to understand, keeping up can get overwhelming. That’s why we created Digest- a newsletter that helps you learn about startups, one email at a time.

Learn about startups, one email at a time
Rishabh Anand

As students in high school, we realised that even though it is amazing, machine learning is really difficult to implement into projects.

To remove the hassle we faced ourselves, we created MLBlocks.

-Train models with only 50 images per class

-Create them without expensive GPUs

-Deploy on any platform through our API


A no-code Machine Learning solution. Made by teenagers.
Rishabh Anand
Rishabh Anand
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Awesome editor theme! Would really love to get my hands on the font face used!
Code Blue
Code Blue
A carefully concocted dark theme for VS Code.