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Ritik Srivastava
Listiee is your platform for broadcasting any kind of lists.
Published Lists can be personalized & customized for it's category, geographical reach, privacy, contribution etc,
Join us for sharing your lists, building new audience & connecting with people.
Platform for sharing lists & well categorized links
Ritik Srivastava
Since the pandemic triggered steps were taken by Indian Government to tag city's and districts as Hotspots, Green, Red & Organe zones etc depending on Covd cases & we saw people seeking that info on the maps. So we built this for the public.
Covid19 Maps by Listiee
Covid19: Essentials on map
Ritik Srivastava
Listiee is your platform for publishing lists and digital curations.
Lists can be customized for it's category, geographical reach, privacy, contribution etc. You can now reach & build your audience / community via another different medium.
Listiee - Beta (Subscribe)
Platform for broadcasting your Lists & digital curations.