Robert Williams

Robert Williams

Engineer interested in hard problems
51 points
All activity
Robert Williams
Read introduces gen AI summaries, “Readouts”, for email and messaging on Gmail, Outlook, Teams, and Slack. Read’s intelligent agents work quietly in the background, enabling your meetings, emails, and messages to interact with each other.
AI summaries for email, messages & meetings
Robert Williams
Read AI's Large meeting models (LMMs) applied to meetings generate a personalized podcast that highlights the past 24 hours and prepares you for your upcoming meetings, perfect for your commute into the office.
Daily Read - Podcast of Your Meetings
Daily Read - Podcast of Your Meetings
AI recaps the last 24 hours of meetings for your commute in
Robert Williams
Everyone wants to be a better speaker, Read makes it possible with by applying AI to your past meetings to give you customized, private speaker coaching metrics and recommendations.
Read Speaker Coach
Read Speaker Coach
Revolutionize Your Speaking Skills with AI Speaker Coach
Robert Williams
Read Highlights take a 60-minute Zoom and condenses it down to a 2-minute video highlight reel using AI.
Read Highlights
Read Highlights
Read AI reduces meetings to two minute video highlights
Robert Williams
Take advantage of Essential Apps - premium apps that take meeting notes, engage your team with interactive activities and more. Essential Apps are already available and ready to use with your Zoom One Pro, Business, or Business Plus online account.
Zoom Essential Apps
Zoom Essential Apps
Essential Apps bundled with your Zoom One subscription
Robert Williams
Automate finding the best time for meetings in Google Calendar with Read Smart Scheduler. Enhance your calendar, stop scheduling bad meetings, and make them better with Read's seamless integration.
Read Smart Scheduler
Read Smart Scheduler
Automate finding the best time for your meetings
Robert Williams
Transcription 2.0 by Read increases the utility of transcription in Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex.

By introducing audience reaction to text, you can find the moments that mattered the most (or the least) in your meetings.
Transcription 2.0
Next generation transcription by incorporating reactions
Robert Williams
Read’s Chief Meeting Officer Suite (CMO) is Google Analytics for Meetings. CMO is responsible for making sure every meeting on your calendar matters with a team of new services including Meeting Manager, Executive Assistant, and Meeting Navigator.
Read Chief Meeting Officer
Read Chief Meeting Officer
Prevent meetings about meetings
Robert Williams
Read Dashboard provides in-meeting analytics that informs attendees how the call is going with sentiment, engagement, and talk time metrics to make the conversation more productive and inclusive.

Available for free Zoom and Webex.
Read Dashboard
Read Dashboard
Dashboard to make meetings better on Zoom and Webex