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Send a live video feed and location to your loved ones

Roberto Scaccia
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Congrats on the launch @geppyp

Forecast the weather with geolocation

Roberto Scaccia
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Wow, love it. Super intuitive and addictive.
Rapid fire meetings to get shit done

Roberto Scaccia
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Finally, great product. just dropped blur.
Get a new virtual card for every transaction

Roberto Scaccia
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Love it. Great job

Product Hunt 3.0
The place to discover your next favorite thing

Roberto Scaccia
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Beautiful product. Congratulations guys!

Musixmatch + Spotify
Get lyrics for any song on Spotify

Roberto Scaccia
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@melindadinh @mrolovsson congrats for this great product, simple and effective. kudos to the sponsors that have already joined...I look forward to seeing more coming on board and backing your causes.

Tweet for a cause and a sponsor will donate $1 to charity

Roberto Scaccia
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Congrats guys! Keep up with the great work.

Founderfox 2.0
Pitch your startup to the world

Roberto Scaccia
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@snoopdogg while in Lucca, go visit the beautiful gardens on top of the 500 years old walls. From up there you can enjoy the beautiful Renaissance-era town while getting ready for the concert ;)

Snoop Dogg | Bush GPro Vaporizor
The most stylish Vaporizor on the market. *Seeds Included.

Roberto Scaccia
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"...and we have even removed $1 from $3000 just to provoke our competition" brilliant ;) Q: what about permit or license? do you provide assistance with that as well or it is something that the "wheelyspreneur" have to take care of?

An entire cafe in a high tech bicycle

Roberto Scaccia
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@carrieflips @toddand_ I like the addictive simplicity of it. The "make a statement" bar that changes color automatically is a nice touch of style.

A quick way to communicate when talking isn't an option

Roberto Scaccia
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Great UI - beautiful collection. Nice job @corelogiciels

Skuawk Public Domain Photos
A large collection of free and artistically loud photos

Roberto Scaccia
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This is such a needed service. People with disabilities need to be assisted into vehicles but also require drivers to interact in the proper way from an emotional standpoint (read, respect - consideration - dignity). It is extremely hurtful and irritating to see too often taxi drivers being in a hurry or impatient when dealing with seniors or people that need an extra hand. Way to go Uber for...

Rides for members of the senior and disability communities

Roberto Scaccia
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great job @aliveluca! very impressive, are all the manufacturers based in Italy? knowing the 3rd party manufacturing industry in Italy I assume that you need to submit a minimum batch order, is that correct? I would love to see this tapping into other verticals as well, Italian small manufacturing industry can only survive and thrive through such initiatives.

Launch your own shoe line

Roberto Scaccia
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@nicoduc I've shared this w/ a few friends...great feedback, although for me it took a wrong turn. Here what one of them has sent me (making fun of my Italian accent)

Record and send rap via iMessage

Roberto Scaccia
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@jsneedles amazing UI - pretty sure this will turn into something bigger. Side note, this reminds me vaguely the 24hoursofhappy project

Leap Second 2015
Real-time stream of how we are using our extra second today.

Roberto Scaccia
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@thisisjorik thanks for sharing this, I also love tattoos and @amijames is a top tattoo artist. As brilliant @brainpicker -Maria Popova- puts it "We wear the stories of our lives — sometimes through our clothes, sometimes even more deeply, through the innermost physical membrane that separates self from world" (her intro comment to Pen&Ink, beautiful book and popular Tumblr ...

Exclusive tattoo art, inspiration, and custom tattoo designs

Roberto Scaccia
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@jonlee108 I really like what you are building with Placemeter and also your long term vision. If you can share, I would be curious to know what has been the adoption rate among City Agencies. I would suggest you to check/get in touch with Citymart "Citymart sources the most inspiring solutions for urban and social challenges in global...

The Placemeter Sensor
Quantify your city's movement, anywhere

Roberto Scaccia
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@TudorCobalas could you tell us a bit more about the technology behind SafeDrive? What happens when I'm using the gps or I receive a call? Thanks

Get rewarded for NOT texting while driving

Roberto Scaccia
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SafeDrive is an app that rewards drivers for not using their smartphones when driving. A points-based reward system allows users to redeem points with SafeDrive's partners (such as Uber, and local gas stations). Kudos to these guys for trying to solve a dramatic problem: distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America's roadways. In the US only, each day, more than 9 people are...

Get rewarded for NOT texting while driving