Ross O'Hagan

Ross O'Hagan

Programmer turned medical student.
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Ross O'Hagan
Ross O'Hagan
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Poor conversion rate. how to make landing page better

Hello everyone! I've loved seeing all the incredible work everyone has been doing. It's very exciting to be working on my first startup. One thing I've noticed is when visitors visit the rate of them signing up for our waitlist seems very low (4.6%). These are all via organic methods not paid ads or anything if that impacts anything. I'm not an expert in design by any stretch...
Ross O'Hagan
Using the power of genomics, clinicians, and validated screening tests, we help parents monitor for any signs of autism and developmental delays in their children.
Neurona Health
Neurona Health
Telehealth pediatric autism risk stratification
Ross O'Hagan
Ross O'Hagan
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This is so cool thanks for sharing!
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