Rupal Saini

Rupal Saini

Growth and Marketing @Truebase
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Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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I haven't explored Hacker News much, so I would say: Product Hunt
Jose Rodríguez
Product Hunt vs. Hackernews, which one do you prefer?
Jose Rodríguez
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Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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If you had to choose only one platform, would it be LinkedIn or Twitter? Why?

I saw many people have different thoughts on both platforms, many are using only LinkedIn and many others Twitter. Can you share what you like about the platform you using from these?
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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Congrats on launching PayGenie! 🚀
AI-powered Invoice automation with effortless voice commands
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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Love the idea behind Crewting! Congrats on the launch :)
Turn isolated remote workers into deeply connected crews
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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How many blogs do you publish on your website each month?

Through the discussions I've conducted to understand how the PH community is acquiring customers and which channels are working well for them, many have mentioned that SEO is a significant booster of organic customer acquisition. Can you share a piece of content from your website that achieved high rankings in search engines? (you can share the blog article link)
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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What do you use ChatGPT for?

--> I use it mainly for refining text. It's particularly helpful when I'm writing articles or reports, as it can suggest improvements or help me brainstorm new angles. --> For research by summarizing information or explaining complex topics. --> Recently, I've been exploring its charts-creating capabilities with GPT4o, based on the data we provide. How about you? How do you use it?
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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How are you spreading awareness about your product?

What strategies and tactics you're using to reach your target audience and inform them about your product? What has worked well for you?
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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I believe in this: if you work hard, luck will follow.
Syed Arsalan Amin
Quick Question: Do you believe in luck?
Syed Arsalan Amin
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Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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Truebase, Notion, dall·E 2, GPT4
Ghulam Abbas
What AI tools do you use/recommend?
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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My all-time favorite emoji is this: 😅 and for work-related matters, I often use this one: 🙌.
Business Marketing with Nika
What are your 3 top most used emojis? 😀
Business Marketing with Nika
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Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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How are you using AI in your marketing workflows? I'm using it like this:

1. Content creation for blogs and social media posts. 2. Campaign optimization, analyzing data to optimize advertising campaigns and improve overall performance. 3. Building potential user lists, researching them, and crafting personalized messages. 4. Sending outreach campaigns.
Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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May and November
Julia Engelsmann
what is your favorite month of the year?
Julia Engelsmann
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Rupal Saini
Rupal Saini
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Which AI tools are you using that are helping your startup grow?

I want to shout out some AI tools that are really helping us grow: Zapier, GPT, Notion, Dux-Soup, and Truebase (this one we built, but we're using it to its full potential as well). What AI tools are you using that you want to give a shoutout to?