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Sanghoon Kang

Do you miss your analog disposable camera? Gudak Cam is the app that brings it back to 21st century. Transform your iPhone into a 24-film-roll camera and feel the thrill of waiting 3 days for print pictures.

Gudak Cam
Gudak Cam
Disposable film camera in your iPhone
Sanghoon Kang
Sanghoon Kang
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You got me!!
Personalized investments - based on your browser history
Sanghoon Kang
Sanghoon Kang
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I was looking for the actual 1 line of JavaScript! lol!
Stories as a Service
Add stories to your website with 1 line of code
Sanghoon Kang
Sanghoon Kang
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Great Idea! Can't wait to use it!
Blank Messenger
Blank Messenger
Messenger that delivers text at once, as it is typed letter