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Scott Fortmann-Roe
- Easily create a personalized table with terms and definitions you want to learn. - Use a simple keyboard shortcut to generate flashcards. - If you get the term right, the system will automatically update the table and won't show that term again.
Simple Flashcard Generator
Simple Flashcard Generator
Create your own flashcards and use them anywhere
Scott Fortmann-Roe
Crafting spot-on citations is a key piece of the paper-writing puzzle. But getting them right is challenging. This Text Blaze snippet (mini-app) implements the APA citation rules for you and makes it available for you in any app: Google Docs, MS Word, etc.
Free APA Citation Creator for Any App
Free APA Citation Creator for Any App
Confused by APA guidelines for citations? Try Text Blaze
Scott Fortmann-Roe
Eliminate repetitive typing anywhere in Windows. Save smart text templates and insert them anywhere using keyboard shortcuts.
Text Blaze for Windows
Text Blaze for Windows
Text expander with ChatGPT templates
Scott Fortmann-Roe
Create spreadsheets with rich data types, dynamic views, external forms, and more - and make your data available anywhere: email product information, log contact details, share project summaries, and easily as typing a keyboard shortcut.
Data Blaze
Data Blaze
A spreadsheet for doers
Scott Fortmann-Roe
Text Blaze allows you to save text snippets and insert them anywhere on the web using keyboard shortcuts. Snippets can be plain text, but can also include dynamic dates, formulas, real-time input and integrations with other apps. Try it, it's free!
Text Blaze
Text Blaze
Save time by eliminating repetitive typing