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Jianhui Feng
LayAuto is a powerful and easy-to-use productivity app for window management, It contains auto layout, working group, quick layout, custom rules and other functions.
LayAuto 3
LayAuto 3
Your next favorite window manager
Jianhui Feng
Create a fully accessible menubar for notched Mac.
Make the notched menubar available
Jianhui Feng
As a creator, you must want to build a beautiful landing page for your product. There are many website building tools online, but Happy Landing can bring you a fast and high quality landing page building experience.
Happy Landing
Happy Landing
Build a beautiful landing page within 5 minutes
Jianhui Feng
路 Export iconfont to Xcode.
路 Localize project in one-click
路 A simple way to manage privacy usage.
路 Quick generate a configurable LaunchScreen.storyboard.
路 Automatic check easy mistakes in development.
路 Integrate TinyPng API service for compress images.
HappyCoding for Xcode
HappyCoding for Xcode
Simplify your iOS & macOS development