James Y Rauhut

James Y Rauhut

UX Designer and Engineer
55 points
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James Y Rauhut
FestFoo uses your listening habits to determine the most relevant lineup out of 600+ music festivals. Not only that, it will filter the lineup down to who you already love and make extra suggestions.
Find your top music festival out of 600+ lineups.
James Y Rauhut
Poster.Party is a community and marketplace for limited-edition posters. Collectors can preview how art will look on their walls and share their collection. Artists can sell high-quality art with no seller fees or subscriptions. It's a party for your walls!
A free marketplace for artists and community for collectors!
James Y Rauhut
Did you know that 324 Fortune 500 companies did not pay their fair share of taxes in 2018? We built a quick tool to help regular people understand the influence of corporate money in politics.
Tax Avoiders
You pay your taxes. Are companies paying their fair share?
James Y Rauhut

Grid Wiz takes your company’s grid design and generates CSS Grid code! With specific browser compatibility, you can support the right browsers with minimal code. Subgrids allow for your users to write deep HTML without breaking out of your grid’s design. The tool is both a progressive web app and an open-source package to be used either way.

Grid Wiz
Grid Wiz
CSS Grid frameworks with custom browser support in a snap
James Y Rauhut

Rapid Responsive Design is a concept I developed as part of my SXSW talk proposal to help solve the pains of responsive design. Please take a minute to watch some interactions I have been experimenting with and vote for the talk: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/81684

Rapid Responsive Design
Kill your artboards, design for all sizes faster