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LaraNx adds SEO and Theme Management to your Laravel application.
LaraNx is built independent of front-end frameworks. Use templates built with webflow, Tailwind or Bootstrap and switch between templates with a single click!

Laravel SEO and theme management

Sergio Cardenas
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Hey Everyone,
Let me tell you, full-stack developers are not savages. We deserve a nice way to manage SEO and Open Graph on our Laravel applications. Why should we have to modify code to update our titles, descriptions and og? It's not right and I finally did something about it.
I built LaraNx. And I made it easy. Easy for SEO, easy for social media, easy for theme management, easy to...

Laravel SEO and theme management

Sergio Cardenas
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Marketing. 1. Setup landing page then site (buy template, use SEO ready software), 2. Setup email signup form, 3. Start talking about it anywhere you can Reddit, Twitter, IndieHackers, etc... Funny all this can be done in 1 day and the breadcrumbs begin. 😂
If you had to start all over again in your startup, what is 1 thing you would do?
Harsh Gupta
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Yuphub Services will do everything! That's right, white glove treatment of the entire review process of asking for, getting and showcasing reviews and testimonials. Twitter Mentions, Google, Next Door, Yelp no problem.
Full service review management

Sergio Cardenas
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Hi Everyone,
I'm introducing Yuphub Services, a white glove service that helps any business get reviews and testimonials.
Why use reviews? Simple, they increase sales and conversions.
Why aren't you asking for reviews? You're busy.
Solution: Let ME do it all for you. I will handle all review requests, follow ups and displaying reviews. So you can focus on what you do best.
If you...
Full service review management

Yuphub Services provides a white glove full service to help you incorporate reviews and testimonials as part of your marketing strategy.

yuphub - Full Service Review Management
Get Reviews and Testimonials with a White Glove Service

Sergio Cardenas
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Hi Everyone,
Introducing Yuphub Services, a white glove service that helps any business incorporate reviews and testimonials as part of their marketing strategy.
Why use reviews? Simple they work. Why aren't you using them? Most likely because you don't have the time or resources to incorporate the review process into your marketing.
Yuphub White Glove Services will work with you, your...

yuphub - Full Service Review Management
Get Reviews and Testimonials with a White Glove Service

A Mailgun email tracking and analytics platform for bloggers, developers and creators. Monitor your member email engagement without modifications to your application or website. Mail Flagger integrates directly with Mailgun via API.

Mailgun email tracking and analytics for everyone

Sergio Cardenas
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Hi Everyone,
My name is Sergio and I’m the creator of Mail Flagger. I am a software developer and have worked on a lot of projects. The common thread has been email communication. Whether it was a technical issue such as notifications or marketing, email communication plays and important role.
I have worked a lot with Laravel, which is a fantastic framework. In fact, Mail Flagger is built...

Mailgun email tracking and analytics for everyone

Sergio Cardenas
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I wouldn't. money definitely wouldn't be a high priority anymore. I like the old saying "It is better to wear out than to rust out."
Would you stop working if you get enough money to live without working for the rest of your life?
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