Serik Jardem

Serik Jardem

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Serik Jardem
Upgrade your existing IP-camera with AI to unlock its full potential! Discover the power of cloud-based, real-time videoanalytics for your business. Begin now for just $39/month per camera, exclusively during our Product Hunt launch!
Real-time AI vision for business owners
Serik Jardem
Serik Jardem
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What industries do you think computer vision could have the most impact on?

Background info: we are building cloud based computer vision as a service.
Serik Jardem
Serik Jardem
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that enrolling into an acceleration does not guarantee any success for the startup, rather you have to work first of all on your personal development.
Inara Kadyrova
What's the one thing you wish you had known when you first started working on your startup/product?
Inara Kadyrova
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Serik Jardem
Serik Jardem
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Has anyone already tried using Chat GPT for customer development?

I asked Chat GPT to be in a different role and engage into my in-depth interview :) Stay in touch, I will be updating my progress and give thorough review after few surveys!