
I am Shaon Sina, the founder and CEO of SinaExtra (www.sinaextra.com). Now working as a Full-Stack WordPress Developer (remotely). I have a wealth of experience in building dynamic and user-friendly websites and developing custom WordPress plugins and Elementor addons. Skilled in both front-end and back-end development. Currently, I'm open to hiring for web-related tasks (remotely). 😊 I'm also working as a lead developer of SinaExtra and create various types of WordPress plugins (like: Sina Extension for Elementor, WP Car Listing, Realentor, Event Manager WP, Recruitly Addons etc.) 🌱 I’m currently learning many things, and I believe that every day is a learning opportunity. 👯 I’m currently open to hiring for web-related tasks (remotely only).


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

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