Shivank Mathur

Shivank Mathur

Software Engineer
60 points
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Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Understanding what my users are talking about my product made easy.
AI Product Discovery by
AI Product Discovery by
Extract product insights from public reviews with AI
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Really looking forward to read it.
Economic Downturn & Product Strategies
Product leaders' playbook for thriving in turbulent times
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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This is really helpful ! One stop read for all Product insight !
Product Leadership Census 2023
Insights from our survey on product leaders worldwide
Shivank Mathur
Want to create engaging release notes in seconds? makes it super easy. Just list down your features & updates, and let the AI write your first draft. Make your launch day a breeze with!
Effortlessly craft engaging release notes with GPT-3
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Great collection for any Product manager’s upskilling !
Learn product management from the experts
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Cheers to THE Super app for product teams :)
Super app to empower your product teams
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Interesting stuff ! Thanks for Sharing !
Product Strategy of a Great SaaS Product
Product Strategy of a Great SaaS Product
Product strategies of Spotify, Slack, Netflix, Miro & Figma.
Shivank Mathur
Shivank Mathur
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Interesting content ! Crisp clean and quite useful.
A to Z of Product-Led Growth
A to Z of Product-Led Growth
Learn to build profitable startups the product-led way