Shri Khalpada

Shri Khalpada

Engineer interested in creative coding
19 points
All activity
Shri Khalpada
This is a daily poll where you can contribute your opinion to a pair of questions. The plot updates in real-time as more people participate. Below the plot, you can dive into some statistics about how your answer compares to the community's.
The Communal Plot
The Communal Plot
A daily game where we all build a visualization together!
Shri Khalpada
A quick exploration of Stoic philosophy through music, creative code, and design.
This is a Thing
This is a Thing
A 100 second meditation about keeping perspective
Shri Khalpada
A simple sequencer where you can create visual patterns and listen to them, with the ability to change the instrumentation, tempo, swing, and more.
A simple musical sequencer built to have no barrier to entry
Shri Khalpada
Aurora is a meditative website where you can look outside of a train window, observe the seasons and days pass by, and draw auroras in the sky. In a time when a lot of things on our devices stress us out, Aurora is meant to be something you can use to relax.
A meditative space on the web