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Kumar Shubham
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Great work as this has been an ignored pain point since ages. Would love to see a windows version as well ?Martin Lexow
Cursor Pro 2
Mouse cursor highlighter and magnifier

Kumar Shubham
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Great Job. Looks like a lot of fun
Icebreaker Zoom Backgrounds for standups
Lols, hmms and a whole lot of banter with this 30-pack

Kumar Shubham
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Quite a useful tool. But couldnt the design be a bit better where we can share some gratitudes, short descriptions of what happened.
Plus it feels like we are completely talking to a robot. A person like icon might be better.
Also, can the options keep on changing a bit rather than the 5 we see. And if they are same throughout, it can be a common tab below the screen

AI-powered assessments & stigma-free counselling sessions

Kumar Shubham
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Good for a marketing treat but might be misleading sometimes.

Grow, maintain and prioritise meaningful relationships

Kumar Shubham
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Which platforms can it be integrated with?
Identify & fix your email deliverability issues for free

Kumar Shubham
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This Scribble can be used beautifully in powerpoint and other deck presentations as well

A free collection of detailed hand-drawn illustrations