All activity
Ismail Ghallou
Ismail Ghallou
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Stripe No-code Customer Portal
Stripe No-code Customer Portal
Share a link to let customers manage billing details
Ismail Ghallou
GitPaid lets you add a paywall to your GitHub repositories. Create a project, set your price, share your sale link, done. Once someone buys your repo, they get automatically invited to your GitHub repository.
Sell your GitHub repositories and start earning money
Ismail Ghallou
Hire skilled remote developers instantly, pay once to unlock their contact details and get them invited to your Slack workspace.
Hire skilled remote developers easily
Ismail Ghallou
Click a button, pay $1 and get redirected to a random url on the web.
Get in touch if you'd like to have your url amongst those random ones
Wow me!
Wow me!
Click a button, pay a $1 and get redirected to a random url
Ismail Ghallou
Ismail Ghallou
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Fun idea we decided to build in 5 minutes
Wow me!
Wow me!
Click a button, pay a $1 and get redirected to a random url
Ismail Ghallou
Ismail Ghallou
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The UX is dope and on mobile too!
SnipLink - Your social website
SnipLink - Your social website
Your social website, for free.
Ismail Ghallou
Ismail Ghallou
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Great product! Perfect for landing pages!
Frontendor UI Library
Create landing pages quickly by copy-paste
Ismail Ghallou
Ismail Ghallou
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It helps me set thumbnails for my YouTube videos easily and quickly
Design badass Youtube thumbnails in less than 60 seconds!