Sohel S

Sohel S

Curious Engineer
13 points
All activity
Sohel S

Easily add parallax animations to cells inside of UICollectionViews, UITableViews, or UIScrollViews. Up until now, it almost always relies on a messy process of trying to relay the scroll to progress to cells in triggering special scrolling effects. We’ve designed this framework to minimize the effort needed to animate views.

Easily create parallax scrolling animations on iOS
Sohel S

Great free static and animated travel stickers to enjoy on your next flight.

Featuring various airplane models, airport codes, country passports and most common situations.

More stickers being added each month by the maker.

Travel Stickers for Holidays
Free travel stickers for iMessage and GBoard
Sohel S

Chrome to Phone via SMS allows you to simply text yourself a url or webpage snippet. Currently available in US only.

Chrome to Phone via SMS
Chrome to Phone via SMS
Nice Pushbullet alternative. Text yourself from Chrome.