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Srijita Baidya
Your personal project assistant for every project. Save time, reduce miscommunication, and minimize errors with Swatle AI. Identify roadblocks, prioritize tasks, and generate SOPs in seconds. Also Swatle creates step-by-step instructions to complete the task.
Stop daily standups & over-management
Srijita Baidya
Manage your projects and tasks more efficiently with Swatle AI πŸš€ Turn chats into tasks with just a single click, organize all your projects within a portfolio and visualize them effortlessly with reports and Gantt charts. πŸ“Š Stay organized without the hassleβœ…
Modern project management for fast paced teams
Srijita Baidya
Stop juggling multiple tools for team collaboration! πŸ’»πŸ”„ With Swatle, you can collaborate personally and in groups 🀝, manage projects πŸ—‚οΈ, schedule discussions πŸ“…, and visualize project progress πŸ“ˆ all in one place!
Your all-in-one team collaboration tool