Michael Stagnitta

Michael Stagnitta

Entrepreneur. Designer. Developer.
6 points
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Michael Stagnitta
Michael Stagnitta
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Wow, Thanks for the upvotes everyone!
AI Design Training
AI Design Training
Online Courses Teaching AI Design Skills
Michael Stagnitta
AI Design Training is the #1 Ai Course Platform For Designers. AI Design Training offers an online learning experience focused on integrating AI apps like Midjourney, DALL-E and ChatGPT into various design fields.
AI Design Training
AI Design Training
Online Courses Teaching AI Design Skills
Michael Stagnitta
Start, Grow, & Build an Interior Design Business with Ai. Inside you get 10 different business models that leverage Midjourney, A Prompt Engineering Guide for Midjourney, DALL-E 3 Interior Design Workflow Integration Guide, Thousands of prompts & more.
AI Interior Design Business Bundle
AI Interior Design Business Bundle
Build a Modern Interior Design Business With Ai
Michael Stagnitta
Whether you're an aspiring interior designer or a seasoned pro, this comprehensive design guide and prompt pack is your key to leveraging DALL·E 3 to transform your creative process and captivate your clients in new projects.
DALL·E 3 Interior Design Guide & Prompts
DALL·E 3 Interior Design Guide & Prompts
2250 Interior Design Prompts for DALL·E 3
Michael Stagnitta
Learn the New Canva Magic Design Tools with "The Canva Magic Guide" eBook! Leverage the Power of AI to transform your workflow and elevate your business.
Canva Magic Design Guide
Canva Magic Design Guide
Learn How to Leverage Canva AI Tools to Grow Your Business
Michael Stagnitta
As a designer for over 15 years, the advent of Midjourney has been a game changer in my business. I've developed a framework to design interiors & assets in Midjourney that has increased my profitability, & now I've packaged it up for you to leverage too!
Interior Design AI Guide for Midjourney
Interior Design AI Guide for Midjourney
Learn How to Grow Your Interior Design Biz With Midjourney
Michael Stagnitta
This Notion template will help you to create effective and engaging marketing messages for your properties, clients, and leads - generate ideas for social media posts, email campaigns, and other marketing materials.
150 ChatGPT Real Estate Prompts - Notion
150 ChatGPT Real Estate Prompts - Notion
Notion Template - 150 ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Pros
Michael Stagnitta
Real Estate Marketing AI is an all-in-one content marketing system built on AI technology that gives you the power of a full marketing team with the click of a button. Generate sales letters, emails, social media post, property listings and more.
Real Estate Marketing AI
Real Estate Marketing AI
Your AI Real Estate Assistant
Michael Stagnitta
Michael Stagnitta
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I've heard good things about Gusto https://gusto.com/
Minha Nadeem
Which app is most effective in payroll management?
Michael Stagnitta
VocationAI helps you discover your ideal business venture or occupation with a click of a button. VocationAI uses cutting-edge algorithms to analyze your skills, passions, aptitudes, experience, & education to generate personalized recommendations for you.
Find your purpose, unlock your potential