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Steven Parker
Xcode Project Template works as a time saver for developers, where they can put their reusable files and classes and create a template that they can use in any project while setting up, so they won't have to write everything again and again.
Xcode Template
Xcode Template
Set Up to Install the Project Template
Steven Parker
This library can help you download the audio or any other media file from the URL and store it into the Local database.
Download Manager in iOS
download manager, iOS, Swift
Steven Parker
iCloud Drive is Apple's essential connection between all your devices, Mac, iPhone, iPad, even your Windows PC.While the cost of storage seems expensive in comparison to other online storage services, its advantage is that it works natively across all your devices.
Steven Parker
In this post, you will learn how to built your first real world UI of Flower app using Jetpack Compose.
Flower App UI Using Jetpack Compose
Flower App UI Using Jetpack Compose
Flower App UI Using Jetpack Compose
Steven Parker
A very simple sample of retrofit client & generate the client file in project. So, I am going to create an app of Retrofit in a flutter with very easy and understandable code.
retrofit flutter application
Steven Parker
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile which is also called “KMM” help us to write a single code in pure Kotlin and can use it in both Android and iOS application. This repositary is the code with corresponding to the network call and offline data-storage.
Kotlin multiplatform smaple
Kotlin multiplatform smaple
Kotlin, multiplatform, mobile application
Steven Parker
This project demonstrates how to connect to a Bluetooth speaker and stream audio from an android application.It is set up as an app project that checks for the bluetooth connection, searching for nearby devices and establishes connection using A2DP.
AndroidApp BluetoothSpeaker
Steven Parker
Widget's main purpose is to display a small amount of timely, personally relevant information that people can view without opening your app.
Steven Parker
Users love Touch ID and Face ID because these authentication mechanisms let them access their devices securely, with minimal effort.
Authenticate with FaceID and Touch ID
Authenticate with FaceID and Touch ID
BiometricAuthentication, Touch ID, Face ID