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Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Looks awesome. Congrats on the launch, @bdougieyo!
AI Copilot, but for git history
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Looks awesome. Congrats on the launch, @samdebrule and @samiur1204 🥳
AI copilot for your own research, notes & conversations
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Looks incredibly well done. Excited to try it out!
Get better design feedback and keep everyone in the loop
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Congrats! I'm excited to try this out, it looks super helpful.
The first AI navigator for your entire network
Stew Fortier
Type is an AI-first document editor that helps you write high-quality content quickly. Rather than writing important content from scratch, you can use Type to instantly generate drafts, rewrite content, and suggest what to write next.
The AI-first document editor
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Dots is awesome. Congrats on the launch!
Dots for Discord
Build custom bots for Discord with no-code
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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Have been loving this already. Excited to see where you take it next
Founder Finds
Founder Finds
Weekly habits & productivity hacks for bootstrapped founders
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
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What are one or two habits that have had the most tangible impact on your success with Trends.VC?
Dru Riley
I'm Dru Riley, I've spent 4,000+ hours researching business models and marketing strategies. AMA 👇
Stew Fortier
Quality writing wins. But most writers work in isolation, without a collaborative writing environment of any kind. We've built a magic button inside Google Docs that summons a world-class team of writers, editors, and experts to transform your next draft.
A better way to write.
Stew Fortier
Stew Fortier
left a comment
Looks awesome. When will I be able to accept tips in Dogecoin?
Tip Jar by Swapstack
Collect tips & donations from your newsletter readers