Vlad Kudinov

Vlad Kudinov

Product Designer, Entrepreneur
493 points
All activity
Vlad Kudinov
Design Supply — a collection featuring great product design examples made by Webflow, Pinterest, Figma, etc. Pin it. Find inspiration when you need it, Design better products.
Design Supply
Design Supply
Find product design inspiration in Figma
Vlad Kudinov
Design Supply — a collection featuring great product design examples made by Webflow, Pinterest, Figma, etc. Pin it. Find inspiration when you need it, Design better products.
Design Supply
Design Supply
Find design inspiration while you work in Figma
Vlad Kudinov
Vlad Kudinov
started a discussion

What's the best payment system to sell digital products with ability to automatically pay vendors?

Hey guys, I have a marketplace powered by Webflow where I sell digital products. I use Paddle.com as my main checkout/payment system. This month I started to sell products made by other vendors. In this case every month I need to count sales of their products, generate a report, and make a payout through PayPal. Unfortunately, Paddle doesn't have any vendor engine inside. I'm looking for a...
Vlad Kudinov
A design inspirational library featuring finest ui/ux patterns, layouts, and design examples. No biggie.
Nice, Very Nice
Nice, Very Nice
The finest collection of UI/UX patterns
Vlad Kudinov
Blink helps you send attractive and customer-centered emails that add value to subscribers. So they will remember you. Blink is a set of pre-made HTML email templates that saves your team a lot of time and helps your company convert email slackers into real customers.
Customer-centered email templates
Vlad Kudinov

Parrot is a modern, beautifully designed Bootstrap blog template. It has a minimalistic, distraction-free, modern design and thoughtful UX. It’s the perfect solution for engaging with your readers, growing an email list and reaching new, organic traffic from Google.

Cute Bootstrap blog template for startups