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Sujit Mali
The Excel Formula Bot is a website that utilizes natural language processing algorithms to generate Excel or Google Sheets formulas based on simple text prompts.
Excel Formula Bot
Excel Formula Bot
Write Excel and Google Sheet formulas in seconds using AI
Sujit Mali
Instantly create a personalized and highly professional cover letters with the help of AI powered by GPT
AI Cover Letter Generator
AI Cover Letter Generator
Create a cover letter in seconds using AI
Sujit Mali
Find your dream Frontend Developer job. features only jobs that are frontend only.
Frontend Careers
Frontend Careers
Find your next frontend developer job
Sujit Mali
Create a Histogram for free with easy-to-use tools and download the Histogram as a jpeg, png, or SVG file. Customize the Histogram according to your choice.
Histogram Maker
Histogram Maker
A web tool for making Histogram
Sujit Mali
Convert the hexadecimal number to a binary number within one click 🚀 Get a detailed explanation about the conversion 🎓
Hex to Binary
Hex to Binary Converter
Sujit Mali
Pie Chart Maker online. Create a Pie Chart for free with easy to use tools and download the Pie Chart as jpg or png or svg file. Customize Pie chart/graph according to your choice.
Pie Chart Maker
Pie Chart Maker
Create a Pie Chart for free with easy to use tools
Sujit Mali
Create a line graph for free with easy to use tools and download the line graph as jpg or png file. Customize line graph according to your choice.
Line Graph Maker
Create a line graph and download the graph as jpg or png
Sujit Mali
Pomotimer is a pomodoro technique timer ⏲️
The purpose of this website is to help you to focus on your study, work, coding, etc. and boost your productivity 🚀
Online pomodoro technique timer