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Sujoy Chaudhary
Sujoy Chaudhary
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The possibilities are limitless here... this is fantastic!
Neverinstall 2.0
Your browser is the new operating system
Sujoy Chaudhary
Sujoy Chaudhary
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Love the filters you have built!
Aram Gushchyan
Do you check menus before choosing where to dine out?
Aram Gushchyan
Join the discussion
Sujoy Chaudhary

Airim lets customers explore your product or website easily on their own, by providing simple yet personalized assistance anywhere within your website or app.

Used by 100+ websites and about 2,000+ users per minute, Airim is helping businesses around the globe delight their customers every moment!

Airim 2.0
Show personalised FAQs before live chat
Sujoy Chaudhary
Sujoy Chaudhary
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This should have been launched 10 years ago!
Unused CSS
Unused CSS
Easily find and remove unused CSS rules
Sujoy Chaudhary

Airim lets you navigate webpages using FAQs. It combines search, chat and FAQs in one website widget where your visitors get their questions auto-answered with zero typing. This helps visitors take purchase decisions quicker - and marketers get clear insights about their buyers’ thought process.

Get your question answered without typing