Sumeja Veseli

Sumeja Veseli

Software Engineer/Cyber Security
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Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Congratulations on the launch!πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
GPT-4 Vision Chatbot
GPT-4 Vision Chatbot
Train AI chatbot on images and text
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Amazing ⚑⚑⚑⚑
Make your website lightning fast
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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I like it, very cool🀘🏻⚑⚑⚑
Kroto - AI
Build and sell courses as if you're writing a Notion Page
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Kroto - AI
Build and sell courses as if you're writing a Notion Page
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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The ultimate B2B sales tool
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Congratulations on the launchπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
BeforeSunset AI Teams
AI-powered workspace: plan & execute together
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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The fastest way to build and share your data work
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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ChatDox AI 2.0
ChatDox AI 2.0
Your personal AI assistant
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Congratulations on the launch, amazinggg productβš‘πŸš€πŸš€
Conversational AI for customer success
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Love the idea of Mentor.AI! Congrats on the launchπŸš€πŸš€!!
Unlock growth potential with AI mentors
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Congrats on the launch πŸš€πŸŒŸ
ChatWebby AI
ChatWebby AI
Customized AI chatbot for your sites, docs, audios & videos
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Simplify feedback, keep your team aligned, no live meetings
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Shopify AI chatbot
Shopify AI chatbot
Supercharge your e-commerce with AI
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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coolπŸš€πŸš€ by Dorik by Dorik
600+ free illustrations for your next project
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Looks great⚑⚑⚑⚑
Checklistgenerator AI
Checklistgenerator AI
Revolutionize your process with AI-powered checklists
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Decentralized Live Video SDK by dTelecom
Save up to 95% on real-time experiences, community-powered
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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SEC Insights AI
SEC Insights AI
Revolutionizing SEC document analysis
Sumeja Veseli
Sumeja Veseli
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Interesting product!πŸš€
AI Titans
Prove your brains, brawn, and bytes