Sumit Ghugharwal

Sumit Ghugharwal

Founder MyLeadFox, BananaShop, FlipLink
14 points
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Sumit Ghugharwal
Sumit Ghugharwal
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Crazy simple :) Thank you for sharing this!
Invoice Generator
Invoice Generator
Quickly generate and send your next invoice online
Sumit Ghugharwal
Deep dive in the world of e-commerce. Find stores based on country, state, city, platform and category. More than 10 million database public 🦊 Classic interlinking; super fast speed. Research the e-commerce industry. Stay Foxy! PS AppSumo Campaign is active!
My Lead Fox Blogs
My Lead Fox Blogs
Wikipedia of e-commerce stores. 10 million+ public data
Sumit Ghugharwal
Specially built for Agencies and Freelancers. My Lead Fox provide e-commerce data so you can find your target clients. For example - Find pet stores in your area ; offer them photography. Find Shopify Store active without Facebook pixel ; and offer marketing, etc.
My Lead Fox
My Lead Fox
Find e-commerce stores worldwide and make them your clients