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Timothy Dang
Sizle helps you convert more leads with your presentations.
🔗 Get alerts when your deck is opened
🧠 Know which slides get the most views
📬 See what happens after hitting 'send'
💬 Add custom chatbots
🔒 Add passwords
👩‍💻 Track leads with a built-in CRM
Sizle 2.0
Sizle 2.0
Presentation software for sales teams
Timothy Dang
With professional templates, smooth effects and viewer analytics, Sizle makes it easy to build better presentations and see the insights behind them.
📊 Slide-by-slide analytics
⚡️ High fps animations
📬 Link tracking
💎 Minimal UI
👋 Sizle is in open beta!
Bring your slide decks to life 🎉