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Write about your current mood, the lyrics of your favorite song, or even a random thought that popped into your head — AI will do the rest.
Chroma AI
Generate beautiful gradients based on your mood using AI
Stanley Zhao
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Hello! This is my second-ever Product launch and I hope the Product Hunt Community will find this fun to use. You can input any text of your choice, whether that be lyrics of a song, how you're feeling, or an excerpt from a story, and see what the AI model will generate! Press the Screenshot button to export it as a JPEG.
Thanks for stopping by!
Chroma AI
Generate beautiful gradients based on your mood using AI
Stanley Zhao
left a comment
Hello Product Hunt! This is my first ever submission as well as my first ever AI side project. I frequently run out of caption ideas so I decided why not ask ChatGPT to think for you? Hope you all enjoy it :)
Generate the perfect caption with the help of ChatGPT.
Generate the perfect caption for your social media post with the help of ChatGPT and Vercel Edge functions!
Generate the perfect caption with the help of ChatGPT.