Tanay from Stacks

Tanay from Stacks

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Tanay from Stacks
Stacks is your search co-pilot. It provides recommendations using the knowledge that is left hidden and forgotten in bookmarks, research notes, newsletters, and knowledge repositories across the platforms.
Stacks - Your search co-pilot
Stacks - Your search co-pilot
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Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Start with Why by Simon Sinek 100M offers by Alex Harmouzi Hooked by Nir Eyal
Ken Lian
What will be three good books to read this year about product development, growth hacks, and startup
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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We are ending our first month on Appsumo with 250+ LTD customers.

Stacks launched on AppSumo a month ago. We are ending our first month on Appsumo with 250+ LTD customers. ๐Ÿš€ We weren't sure if our unique value proposition resonated with the users, or what features users were willing to pay for. We now have an early understanding of what our funnel looks like, what our onboarding should be, what is valuable to the user, and what benefits we bring to...
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Hi there, interested - maybe jump on a quick call? Link in my profile
Apostolos Toptsis
Hi we run an influencer marketing platform for product hunt launches!
Apostolos Toptsis
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Tanay from Stacks
Glowy helps users build consistency in their skincare routines by reminding them to follow their favourite influencerโ€™s routine. Glowy provides a opportunity to creators to share their detailed routines and receive insights into how many people follow them.
Skincare routine discovery & tracking
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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What is that?
amanah alfian
Have you ever try virality marketing strategy campaign ?
amanah alfian
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Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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How should I celebrate streak of 100 days๐Ÿ”ฅ on Product Hunt?

Today is my 100th day streak. Thoughts?
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Folks in marketing, what are your salaries?

Just curious, I see lots of startups here that have not raised funding but have marketing managers, growth specialists, etc. What is your salary? (range?) Owners, founders - how are you supporting yourself and your team unless your revenue > expenses?
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Also posted this on HN - few interesting comments - https://news.ycombinator.com/ite...
Tanay from Stacks
I asked Bard to roast my landing page. And roast it did ๐Ÿ˜…
Tanay from Stacks
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Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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I asked Bard to roast my landing page. And roast it did ๐Ÿ˜…

Here's the proof: https://pasteboard.co/xUYfUtN6lHzZ.png ---------------------- Sure, here is a roast of your landing page: BetterStacks.com: The landing page that's so bad, it's good. Where do I start? The design is straight out of the early 2000s, the copy is cringeworthy, and the call to action is non-existent. But that's what makes it so special. It's like a bad car accident: I can't...
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Get the first revenue and find why they subscribed.
Tanjir Rahman
What is next big goal with your product ?
Tanjir Rahman
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+1 comment
Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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Stacks - A search engine for your bookmarks.
Garen Orchyan
If you had one sentence to pitch your product, what would it be?
Garen Orchyan
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Tanay from Stacks
Tanay from Stacks
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6 hours in, and 0 upvotes.

So here's the thing - I was not prepared for the PH launch today but I forgot about the date I had set for the launch which was today. So far, it has been 6 hours and it has 0 upvote or comment. https://www.producthunt.com/posts/stack-together-a-relationship-app