Tanya Volkova

Tanya Volkova

Open for opportunities
54 points
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Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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That's pretty cool!
Provide customized wellbeing solutions for your remote team
Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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Matt Olevinsky
Describe 2020 In Just One Word? 😀
Matt Olevinsky
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Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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Soft skills or hard skills?

What matters most? Should you have 50/50?
Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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How do you maintain clarity of mind with so much information you read and process? Any tricks?

So my bookmarks are a mess, I have tons of notes, and I read over 500 different articles a day. what's the trick to stay sane, and be productive without being overwhelmed?
Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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that's awesome, will check it out with the team :) thanks for making it free.
The Hike
A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Zoom game for remote teams
Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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What are the best ads you've seen so far?

Some ads are catchy and you remember them well. Like when you hear Coca Cola and you start singing that parapapapa or when you see priceless: and remember Mastercard Some are funny / scary/ weird. Still, that makes you remember them. What are the ads that caught your attention?
Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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That's a difficult question. Can I choose the mixture of all of these? :)
Gordian Overschmidt
What defines us and the future of our world? Tell me why?
Gordian Overschmidt
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Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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makes me want to get that K too :)) lol
Paul de Fombelle
K me more, K me more, did you get very far?
Paul de Fombelle
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Tanya Volkova
Tanya Volkova
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I think it's different for different people, but most of us are visual.
Bohdan Romaniuk
What information is easier to understand in advertising: verbal or graphic, such as animation, gifs?
Bohdan Romaniuk
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