Tatiana Shpyleva

Tatiana Shpyleva

Growth Marketer @ Weavely.ai
47 points
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Tatiana Shpyleva
Build web forms that stand out with custom UX and UI, without coding. The Weavely form builder enables you to design and publish forms directly in Figma. Get creative with form design, apply conditional logic and reuse brand assets to collect more responses.
The first ever AI form builder in Figma
Tatiana Shpyleva
Tatiana Shpyleva
left a comment
Interesting concept, congrats on the launch! πŸ‘πŸ»
Co-Founder Ai
Co-Founder Ai
Verify your business idea in minutes, with 48 metrics
Tatiana Shpyleva
Tatiana Shpyleva
started a discussion

New plugin: launch working forms from Figma. Feedback needed πŸ™πŸ»

Hey everyone, We're building a new form building tool that integrates directly with Figma. We're looking for feedback on the earliest version of our plugin which is available in open beta: https://try.weavely.ai/plug_in_feedback. If you have a minute, please try it out and leave your feedback in the comments or via e-mail at florian@weave.ly. All feedback is welcome :)