Alexander Lee

Alexander Lee

Software Engineer based in NY
42 points
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Alexander Lee
hello world
Jobs In Crypto
Decentralized Job Marketplace for Crypto Jobs
Alexander Lee
There are plenty of image resize tools online, but do you really know where your file goes once you upload? With EZResize, you can resize your image and save locally on your hard drive or cloud service - encrypted, private and for your eyes only.
A privacy focused re-size tool
Alexander Lee
Relive your childhood memories and enjoy a simple game of Snake.
Snake on a ✈️ blockchain
Alexander Lee

Welcome to a new era of social networking. Freely share information amongst friends and family without compromise. Only YOU as the user have access to your data. Powered by Blockstack, you retain ownership of your identity and data. The goal is to give control to the user, not the application.

Welcome to a new era of social networking.