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Boring Dice is a simple iOS dice rolling app. It looks clean and tasteful, delivers painfully random rolls, packs a few dice themes, includes a full D&D dice set, a touch of physics, bumpy haptics, and a few other useful knick-knacks.
Boring Dice
iOS dice rolling app for table top games
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It feels more accurate compared to other similar tools.
Check your internet speed and latency
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Tracking and benchmarking employees and pushing them over the edge. Nice! Now managers are going to complain about KPI lines of code statistics. How is this not making even more stress and anxiety?
Fitness tracker for work, for developers
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Here is another tiny app from me. I couldn't find anything like it on Mac App Store, so I put it together on a whim.
If you are troubled by bad air quality, don't be mute. I would really like to hear from you. Let me know if this app is useful to you and if the UI/UX sucks or not.
I am planning to add more AQI formulas, but feature-wise not sure where to go after that.
Neat Air
Air quality at a peak
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It looks awesome. Congratz!
Accountit 2.0
Track your transactions with Accountit as every penny counts
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I made a Mac app for you. In case, you need to make some highly accurate small talk about weather, while doing your Zoom call.
Dear Sun
Weather at a peek for Mac