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Terra di App
Enhance your home security with Motion Alert Audio. Get instant audio notifications on your Android or iOS device for any triggered Philips Hue light or sensor. Customizable alerts, black screen mode, and quick setup keep your information private and secure.
Motion Alert Audio
Motion Alert Audio
Enhance Your Home Security with Instant Motion Alerts
Terra di App
Set the cultivation phases and fertilizer plan for your plants. Record in cultivation events the weight of the plants, the quantity of nutrient solution. Check the condition of the plants and the average weight lost since the last watering
To manage home crops. Configure your fertilization plans
Terra di App
Write note with due date. Change the expiration date at any time. Write freehand notes and share the resulting image. Each note can have several attachments, including to-do lists, where you can track the time spent.
Write freehand notes with due dates