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Tony Gines
Scribe automatically creates step-by-step process guides. Now, with Pages, add your guides to a custom process document alongside text, lists and video. Create beautiful onboarding guides, training materials, SOPs and more — in minutes!
Pages by Scribe
Create beautiful process documents, fast
Tony Gines
Automatically create step-by-step guides for any process. Simply hit “record” and Scribe will generate a detailed guide complete with screenshots based on your actions, ready to share with colleagues, customers, and friends.
Scribe 2.0
Automatically create step-by-step guides in seconds
Tony Gines

Design Dots is a curated list of design-related links posted each day (except maybe for Sundays 🙂). With more emphasis on showing off products, typfaces, and influencers instead of a constant stream of ux articles.

Design Dots
Design Dots
A curated mini list of design-related links each day.