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  • william calvat

    william calvat

    Tech-enthusiast, founder of Bond
    78 points
    All activity
    william calvat
    william calvat
    started a discussion

    Need testers for our Gmail extension (reply fast to bullet-points & highlight key phrases)

    Hi fellow Product Hunters, My cofounder and I worked for a while on a simple extension for Gmail that lets you reply fast to emails that contains important or multiple items to respond to. In a nutshell, just click on the phrases you want to respond to, and all you have to do is reply in the auto-generated response template. We are now looking for private testers before we officially launch...
    william calvat
    william calvat
    started a discussion

    [Looking for testers] Quick response template for Gmail (Chrome extension)

    Hey guys, We just pushed our quick response template extension for Gmail on the Chrome Store for a private beta. Anyone interested to give it a shot (for free obviously)? That would really help us improve or fix things that need to be before an actual beta launch. 🙏 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bc-hWegrLM https://www.bondinbox.com/ Cheers!
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Very eager to try it out. Congrats for this launch and great idea!
    The all-in-one tool to grow your personal brand on LinkedIn
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Now that’s a nice one, a subtle way of handling invites!
    Because scheduling is more complex than sending a link
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch Elif!
    Catch beautiful sights, finish your work before sunset
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Super cool concept! Nice job guys. Hope you the best on this launch!
    Share your company's success with your community
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Nice work here, all the best for the launch!
    Run effective meetings, manage team tasks, and track goals
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    Pretty cool stuff! Good luck with the launch!
    Find anything inside audio, video, images & documents
    william calvat
    william calvat
    started a discussion

    What’s a good tool / process to make beta-testers engaged as a community?

    Hello, product hunters and creators. I'm starting to have a good plan for acquiring beta testers, but I don't think it's enough. Beta testing is about getting feedback, engaging in real discussion with testers, and ideally creating a community that interacts not only with the makers but also with the testers. So I'm curious if you have anything in mind / that you can share to make testers...
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    organizing stuff, this is what takes most time...
    If you could improve the efficiency of any task in your job by 100x, what would it be?
    Oksana Chyketa
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    +1 comment
    william calvat
    william calvat
    left a comment
    I either stand up and walk around to change my mind, start my daily workout, or have a nap if fatigue is too high and I have available time for it.
    Martina Hackbartt
    What do you do when you physically feel you have no energy but still need to get many things done?
    Martina Hackbartt
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