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Book Generator is a new way to convert OneNote notebooks, Trello boards, Word Documents, Excel spreadsheets, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Classroom, CSV and Markdown files into EPUB or PDF.

Book Generator
Convert everything to Book (EPUB or PDF)

OneEdit executes multiple editing and exporting tasks on multiple photos at ONE time.
You can generate PDF, montage, animated GIF and zip file for multiple images on the go.
You can also save output to photo library, upload output to cloud by ONE tap.

OneEdit Pro
Batch Edit, Filter, Merge & Upload

Creative Book Builder is a powerful, flexible, and professional ebook generation tool. No matter you create book from scratch or existing content, no matter your content is simple or complex, CBB enables you to build your own content in an efficient way.

Creative Book Builder
Powerful, flexible & professional tool for ebook generation

MingKi is an urgent request messaging app for anyone who needs help from their family and friends. It is specifically designed for elderly people, dementia patients and those who are not familiar with smartphone.

MingKi: Fastest way to send notification
Urgent Request Messaging