Timi Ajiboye

Timi Ajiboye

Value synthesizer, hopefully.
127 points
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Timi Ajiboye
whoami.tv is an app that shows you fun facts about yourself based on your Netflix viewing history. It's an open source example project built with the Gandalf SDK. Gandalf is SDK for getting user data from any service.
Learn fun facts about yourself based on your Netflix history
Timi Ajiboye
Gandalf is an SDK for securely requesting user data from online services that lack a first-party API. Your users can share a wide range of data; the shows they've watched, the games they've played, their shopping history, etc.
Get user data from any service
Timi Ajiboye
Gandalf's WordPress plugin lets you restrict access to any block on any page or post. You can add multiple NFTs or ERC20s as criteria, tokengate across 5 chains (Ethereum, Polygon, Base, Zora & Optimism). Style the gate UI to match your site's look & feel.
Gandalf WordPress Plugin Beta
Gandalf WordPress Plugin Beta
Tokengate any block on any WordPress post or page.
Timi Ajiboye
Gandalf lets you create exclusive content for your NFT/token holders on platforms like Notion, Typeform, Google Forms, Google Docs, Wordpress, etc.
Tokengate anything - Notion, Google Form, Wordpress
Timi Ajiboye
Nohooks is a service that offers webhooks functionality even on platforms that do not have native webhooks support. With Nohooks, developers can receive real-time notifications of events from the list of supported apps. Starting with Notion and Render.
Receive webhook events from platforms without webhooks
Timi Ajiboye
Share short-form video content of your favourite moments at your favourite places on the Backdrop app.
Backdrop Moments Beta
Backdrop Moments Beta
Your favourite moments at your favourite places
Timi Ajiboye
Discover the perfect backdrops for your pictures. Save on the go, plan trips visually and explore beautiful locations around the world.
Backdrop for Android
Backdrop for Android
Go-to travel discovery app for people who love pretty places
Timi Ajiboye
Your go-to travel companion and travel discovery app that helps you explore the coolest, most underrated destinations in the world.
Backdrop 1.0
Find pretty places for the perfect picture
Timi Ajiboye
Discover the perfect backdrops for your pictures. Save on the go, plan trips visually and explore beautiful locations around the world.
Backdrop Beta
Discover beautiful locations around the world