Zachary Tirrell

Zachary Tirrell

Product Director, recovering developer
33 points
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Zachary Tirrell
Take control of your tickets.
Create tickets right from your WordPress dashboard—no third-party websites, no extra ticket processing fees. Use Stripe and no need for other event pages.
Event Tickets
Supercharge your ticket sales for WordPress sites
Zachary Tirrell
The Events Calendar is the number one calendar plugin on WordPress, our new Virtual Events add-on comes loaded with features and integrations to optimize your calendar for gatherings, webinars, classes, and performances all online.
Virtual Events Calendar for WordPress
Virtual Events Calendar for WordPress
Optimize your calendar for virtual events
Zachary Tirrell
Let your audience easily find all of your events in one place - get a calendar on your site or hosted right on Loxi in less than five minutes.
➡️Import events from gcal and more
👩‍💻Optimized for virtual events.
📆Standalone or embed
Loxi Virtual Events Calendar
Fastest way to plan and promote your events in one place.
Zachary Tirrell

Your events belong on your website. Loxi is the effortless, design-forward events calendar that can be embedded on any website. Brought to you by Modern Tribe, the team behind The Events Calendar on WordPress.

Easily add an events calendar to any website.