Toby Startygen

Toby Startygen

5 points
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Toby Startygen
Toby Startygen
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Do you actively "encourage" word of mouth recommendations? If so, what's your strategy?

Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool for marketing/growth, because recommendations more often than not carry a high level of trust. People are more likely to believe and act on recommendations from someone they know and trust. Often times they just get a recommendation or referral and won't think twice before going into business (subscribe/purchase/sign, whatever). I often get the impression that...
Toby Startygen
Toby Startygen
started a discussion

What are streaks good for?

Hey, I'm new to PH. What is the Day Streak good for? I'm wondering if this is just a vanity metric to keep people engaged 😄 Or is tied to something?
Toby Startygen
Toby Startygen
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9 days and counting 😅
Ghulam Abbas
Celebrating 300 Day Streak 🔥 What's your highest streak?
Toby Startygen
Toby Startygen
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How did you come up with your product idea?

Was it in a field you have knowledge in? How long did you spend refining it? Did you do extensive research? How did you refine it? Would love to know more about your process!
Toby Startygen
Toby Startygen
started a discussion

Do you employ risk management?

Starting new ventures is probably one of the most risky business moves one can take. Also, there a many frameworks to manage risks. Do you use any of them? Do you manage your risks? Examples for some risks: - Technological - Financial - Market (competitors, clones/substitute products, wrong timing or offer, etc.) A simple framework to approach managing risks: - Identify • What are your...