Todea Vasile

Todea Vasile

Passionate iOS dev and photo enthusiast.
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Todea Vasile
Get daily inspiration with Venus – the app that delivers an AI-generated artwork and quote to your home screen every day. Elevate your routine and stay motivated with Venus. Download now!
Unlock your potential with daily inspiration
Todea Vasile
Capture HDR Photos like a pro or the easy way
Auto mode: capture HDR photos using artificial intelligence to choose the best EVs.
Manual mode: adjust ISO and exposure time for each area in the scene.
Discover more great features in the app
HDR Plus+ 2.0
HDR Plus+ 2.0
Capture every details using exposure bracketing
Todea Vasile
Hello PH,
HDR Plus+ allows you to create HDR images by choosing the best exposures for the current scenario.
- manual ISO and exposure time control
- choose each exposure for your scenario while capturing
- capture images are combined into a great HDR Image
HDR Plus+
HDR Plus+
Choose best exposures with a tap and shoot great HDR images
Todea Vasile
HDR Plus+ allows you to create HDR images by choosing the best exposures for the current scenario.
- manual ISO and exposure time control
- choose each exposure for your scenario while capturing
- edit each exposure separately and see the result in realtime
HDR Plus+
HDR Plus+
Create HDR images by choosing the best exposures with a tap.