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Exciting news, travelers!
We've just launched a referral program for triipper. Create a free account (you'll be emailed with your unique referral code soon after registration), and if 5 people sign up using your unique referral code, you'll be upgraded to World Traveler (premium) access! With World Traveler access, you'll enjoy:
📝 The ability to edit itineraries
✈️ More itinerary submissions
AI-driven personalized travel plans + itineraries in seconds
triipper is a personalized travel planning platform that simplifies the travel planning process. Our AI-powered system gathers information about a user's preferences, budget, and desired experiences, then curates a unique itinerary that fits those criteria.
AI-driven personalized travel plans + itineraries in seconds
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I’m thrilled to share triipper with you all today. As an avid traveler, I found that planning a trip could be a tedious and time-consuming task, which often took the joy out of the anticipation for the trip itself. That's why I created triipper - to make travel planning as enjoyable as the journey.
triipper is an AI-powered travel planning platform that curates personalized,...
AI-driven personalized travel plans + itineraries in seconds