Momen Hesham

Momen Hesham

always curious, always questioning
75 points
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Momen Hesham
We are all at home now and want to do a lot of things, and there are hundreds of resources made free due to pandemic, but not all of us know what or when.
In this website, you will find links to all the free resources and you can share any resources you find.
Pandemic Free
All resources made free due to penadmic
Momen Hesham
Momen Hesham
left a comment
Well done, selective resources, thanks a lot for this guide man.
Quality UX Resources Curated in One Place
Momen Hesham
Dclouds is a suit of cloud based apps like Drive, Photos, Notes, Calendar Similar to iCloud services but built on blockchain-based technology.
Blockchain-based alternative to iCloud.